Ten Yoga Poses and Their Benefits – Part II

Part I of this article gave an overview of the first five yoga poses that are mentioned in Indian Master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois’ book of Yoga Mala: The Original Teachings of Ashtanga Yoga, along with its benefits; taking a look at the Big Toe Pose, Hand Under Foot Pose, Extended Triangle Pose, Extended Side Angle Pose, and Wide-Legged Forward Bend. In this second part we continue reviewing the five remaining successive poses and informing you about the health-related benefits.


Also known as “Intense Side Stretch” in the West, this posture is considered to be an intermediate asana that, as implied in its name, it makes up for a deep elongation that begins at your feet, ends up at your head, and is boosted by your arms that are held in prayer position behind your back. Benefits associated with this asana include the elimination of bad waist fat, which at the same time toughens both the waist and abdomen, and makes your body lighter.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Called “Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose” in the West, this posture is considered to be a basic level asana that asks your mind and body for a lot of concentration and balance while you also lengthen both your legs. Benefits derived from this asana are the loosening up of hip joints, the purification, and strengthening of the vertebral column, waist, hips, and lower abdomen and elimination of constipation.

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

Also known as “Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend” in the West, this posture is considered an advanced level asana, which requires great flexibility, focus, and balance all at the same time. Benefits related to this posture include the purification of the rectum, esophagus, and liver; in addition to preventing diarrhea and an excess of gas.


Called “Chair Pose” in the West, this basic level posture works the muscles of the arms and legs, as it stimulates the diaphragm and heart. Benefits linked to this asana are strengthening of the waist, the prevention of back or vertebral column pain and the enhancement of the lightness of your body.


Also known as “Warrior Pose I” in the West, this basic level posture demands most strength from your legs and arms as you continuously hold it. Benefits associated with this asana include the purification of the body’s joints, lower abdomen, spinal column and organ of generation. It also relieves knee pains or discomforts related to sitting or standing for a prolonged period of time.

Remember to pay attention to your breathing as you carry out any yoga exercise; as well as carrying out the various poses in the correct order and sequence. As mentioned in the previous article it is important that individuals suffering from preexisting medical conditions to consult their doctor or a reliable guru. Yoga is a holistic practice which real and original training encompasses all mind, body and soul; and so, it is meant to be practiced this way to obtain its innumerable benefits.

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